A coal black comedy from Canadian filmmaking powerhouse Bruce McDonald with an exceptional script and breakout leading performance from Maxwell McCabe-Lokos, The Husband takes a long hard look at what makes a person a monster and the people who get drawn into the monster’s aftermath, creating deep, traumatic personal demons that can create new monsters.
We talk to actor and writer Maxwell McCabe-Lokos and notable Canadian director Bruce McDonald about their collaboration on the dark comedy The Husband (opening at the TIFF Bell Lightbox this Friday) and about the film’s sense of brevity, their collaboration, what shooting the film digitally brought to the production, avoiding melodrama, trying to find the right tone for the film, and why the film’s most pivotal scene is also the most universally relatable one.
The Husband Special Presentation Director: Bruce McDonald Canadian filmmaking icon McDonald continues the dark streak he’s been on lately, but this time taking a long hard look at analyzing what makes a real life monster and the affect personal demons can have on loved ones. It’s as poignant and emotional as it is funny and […]
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