The newest gorgeously animated feature from groundbreaking Laika (BoxTrolls, Kubo and the Two Strings) arrives in theatres this weekend, to tell a tall tale about a lonely sasquatch and the intrepid explorer who befriends him. But should you take your kids to see it?
Bumblebee actor Ricardo Hoyos talked to That Shelf about what separates this film from the rest of the series.
Bumblebee's director and screenwriter care more about teen angst than interplanetary conflict – and that's a good thing!
Stop motion studio LAIKA continues to merge art and entertainment with Kubo and the Two Strings, an increasingly rare kind of cinema that needs to be supported by audiences if we're to get any more of it.
In the age of the omnipresent CG animated film and vapid big budget spectacle, it’s incredibly refreshing to see a lovingly handcrafted stop-motion animated movie like ParaNorman come along. We had a chance to speak with directors Chris Butler and Sam Fell earlier this year, and talked about the talented young cast of the film, the directors' own experiences with bullying, ParaNorman's relationship to the horror genre, the importance of zombies, and much more.
In the age of the omnipresent CG animated film and vapid big budget spectacle, it's incredibly refreshing to see a lovingly handcrafted stop-motion animated movie like ParaNorman come along. We had a chance to speak with directors Chris Butler and Sam Fell earlier this year, and talked about the "John Carpenter meets John Hughes" origins of the film, how technology has helped make stop-frame animation more practical, and much more.