Anastasia, the animated musical fantasy, was directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman and was the first animated movie to be produced by 20th Century Fox Animation. The film premiered at The Ziegfeld in New York City on November 14, 1997, and then went on to be released in cinemas later that month. It delighted […]
Jason Gorber speaks with legendary voice actor Jim Cummings about Disney's Christopher Robin, picking up the mantle of Winnie the Pooh, and the musicality of voice acting.
Eric sits down with the stars of Far Cry Primal to discuss the art of performance capture in video games.
This hilarious “Top 50″ video has been making the rounds online today, it highlights some of the 50 worst voice acting performances in video game history. Absolutely priceless. It takes me back to a more innocent time in my game filled youth. [youtube width=”560″ height=”344”][/youtube] Most of the games featured on the list are from […]