
Interview: Beyond The Black Rainbow Director Panos Cosmatos

Beyond The Black Rainbow is a deeply bizarre science fiction/horror film set in an alternate 1983 in a style of how that future was pictured in the 70s. First time director Panos Cosmatos recreates the aesthetic of late 1970s sci-fi with such mind-boggling attention to detail that it would be easy for an unsuspecting viewer to assume they stumbled onto a lost film from that era. We got a chance to chat with Cosmatos about the conception and production of his remarkable debut, as well as growing up in a house with the guy who made Rambo.

Super 8 Review

It’s safe to say that many filmgoers will always measure newcomer sci-fi epics by the standards of the classics that came before them. Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T. and the now thirty-to-forty year old peers that reserve warm fuzzy spots in hearts around the globe. So it was both interesting and completely logical that Steven Spielberg, creator of these titan classics, would use the talents of J. J. Abrams, undeniably a contemporary lord of genre, to, in essence, create a new film that makes tribute to his own triumphs.