Robert Altman

The Criterion Shelf: Neonoir

Surveying Criterion Channel's neonoir collection, which includes genre-spinning films like Cotton Comes to Harlem, Night Moves, and Blow Out.

The Player Criterion Blu-ray Review

After many years relegated to just being a Basic Blu, Criterion has re-released Robert Altman's 1992 Hollywood skewering comedy The Player with a bevy of new extras joining some great archival ones.

Altman Review

A great primer on one of the greatest directors to ever live, but also a missed opportunity.

The TIFF Altman Companion (Part 1)

In the first part of our look back at the career of prolific and hard to pigeonhole director Robert Altman (in honour of his TIFF retrospective, kicking off tonight), and Phil Brown look at some of their favourite works from one of the greatest filmmakers to ever live.

20 Sleeper Hits You Can Rent for Free from Bay Street Video

Our film editor was asked to contribute to a list of dozens of "sleeper hits" that can currently be rented free of charge from Bay Street Video in Toronto. Given the vague definition of the term, here is why he chose his films on the list and gives recommendations for other films to pair alongside the free rentals.

Defending the Indefensible: 70s Auteur Flops

As the 1970s came to a close, many of the best filmmakers of the past century nearly had their careers ruined as studios asserted more control over them during the emergence of blockbuster cinema. Here we take a look at some of those special cases: Scorsese's New York New York, Friedkin's Sorcerer, Spielberg's 1941, Cimino's Heaven's Gate, Altman's Popeye, and Coppola's One from the Heart.