Aaron Eckhart

Sully Review

Clint Eastwood treats "The Miracle on the Hudson" with the same fly-by-night attitude he does with everything else, but Hanks really saves the day in Sully.

I, Frankenstein Review

I, Frankenstein is far better than it really has any right to be on a surface level. It’s gleefully attuned to how silly its premise is and not aiming to do anything else than be supremely entertaining.

Interview: Aaron Eckhart

We catch up with I, Frankenstein leading man Aaron Eckhart to talk about his recent shift towards higher profile films after starting off in independent movies, constructing the look of a modern monster, the physical preparation for the role, and the surprising amount of deep emotional research he did that took just as heavy a toll.

Blu-Ray Round-Up: 8/5/13

This week at the video store we check out new Blu-Rays for recent releases Trance, To the Wonder, Oblivion, and Olympus Has Fallen, and two new Criterion releases for The Devil's Backbone and Lord of the Flies.

Erased Review

The entirety of the lacklustre thriller Erased can be summed up in one elongated yawning sound effect.

Olympus Has Fallen Review

Olympus Has Fallen feels like such steroid-fueled action throwback that judged on any conventional level, it would be seen as a bad movie. However, if what you seek is a big stupid night at the movies this sucker will scratch that itch just right.

Battle: Los Angeles Review

Do you like modern war movies, gritty action, alien invasions, Aaron Eckhart and (most importantly) do you really really like over-the-shoulder shaky cam? Do you not care for things like original dialogue, plotting, or characters? If this describes you, then Battle: Los Angeles is what you should be watching right now.