This week and Phil Brown take a look at the DVD/Blu-ray releases of Steven Soderbergh's male stripper saga Magic Mike, Paranormal Activity creator Oren Peli's Chernobyl Diaries, and Timur Bekmambetov's inexplicably awesome Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.
Action packed, utterly hilarious, and sure to be divisive, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter balances thrills, outright silliness, and ludicrous revisionist history to create an experience where you'll either get the joke or you won't.
Now in its second year, Kapow! Comic Convention converged on London UK this past weekend. While a bit of a comic novice, I've been seeing more films of late either based on comic books, or inspired by the format. So I spent an afternoon at the convention, wandering the aisles, attending panels, and getting a sneak preview of an upcoming film.
Wrapping up our look at the cinematic offerings for the month of June, we take a look at some real heavy hitters with Brave, Moonrise Kingdom, Prometheus, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Snow White and the Huntsman, Rock of Ages, and Piranha 3DD, which will undoubtedly win the box office crown for the month.