In this month's "YOU Haven't Seen BLANK?!" Marko Djurdjic watches Steven Soderbergh's sweat-inducing, butt-shaking 2012 opus, MAGIC MIKE, for the very first time.
Since all three of this week's major releases all press screened at the same night and time during the week, here now are our reviews of the smart and funny remake of About Last Night and the astoundingly and laughably awful Winter's Tale. Also, an explanation as to why we don't have new reviews for Endless Love or Gloria, we double back on last week's never press screened Vampire Academy, we a look at Pussy Riot: A Punk Rock Prayer, which was the only new film at the Bloor this week, a special sneak at The Bloor tonight, family day offerings at The Bloor and the TIFF Bell Lightbox, and a look ahead to a Lightbox retrospective of some of Jean-Luc Godard's favourite Hollywood films starting on Thursday.
A cheesy triumph for both star Channing Tatum and director Steven Soderbergh, Magic Mike is a crowd pleasing delight despite a simple story that might seem beneath the esteemed director at first glance.