Catfight TIFF 2016 Review.
Wild Card is the worst thing a Jason Statham movie could be: boring.
Dork Shelf talks with heavy metal icon Slash to talk about his first foray into feature film production, Nothing Left to Fear, the differences between film and music business, why his life has always been following a learning curve, balancing life on the road as a musician with being a producer, how filmmaking plays into his more impulsive desires as an artist, scoring a film he helped produce, and the real life legend of Stull, Kansas.
Despite being the mind behind the brilliant L.A. Confidential, writer James Ellroy's work rarely transitions well to the big screen. Much like graphic novelist Frank Miller, Ellroy needs a director who can temper his sometimes unnecessarily over the top and formulaic material into a watchable package. With Ellroy’s latest outing Rampart, director Oren Moverman show’s that he’s simply not up to the challenge leading to film that feels wholly indistinguishable from the author’s past big screen outings about dirty Los Angeles cops.
Cedar Rapids is a nice movie. It’s a nice movie about a nice guy full of nice characters and nice jokes. And, like a young lady deciding whether or not to date a nice boy, your enjoyment of Cedar Rapids will depend on whether niceness on it’s own is enough to truly get you excited.