That Shelf Managing Editor and Film Critic Jason Gorber joins Larry Fedoruk on Newstalk 610 to talk about the Queen biopic Bohemian Rhapsody.
X-Men: Apocalypse is extremely faithful to its source material, but does that make it a good movie?
Somewhere between a natural continuation of the story arc kicked off by the previous “proper” entry of a franchise and a complete and total retconning of the same lies X-Men: Days of Future Past. It’s a stronger film than its immediate and proper predecessor, but thanks to some time travelling and convenient plotting, it essentially undoes most of the plot elements that didn’t work the last time out.
There assuredly a fair bit of fun to be had while watching Bryan Singer’s classic-yet-cracked fairytale adaptation Jack the Giant Slayer, but it’s the kind of fun that needs to be had with the brain’s switch firmly placed in the off position.
We got a chance to get a preview of the TIFF Bell Lightbox's newest film related exhibit taking a look at the work of X-Men make-up effects artist and Ontario native Gordon Smith and talked to him briefly about his own origins and working with Bryan Singer.