Burt Lancaster

The Criterion Shelf: Starring Burt Lancaster

A tall, broud-shouldered lug with a swindler’s smile, equal parts intellectual and corporeal, Burt Lancaster was a legend by the time of his death in 1994, and Bil Antoniou ranks fifteen of his films featured on the Criterion Channel.

The Killers Criterion Review

The Killers has long been one of the most intriguing entries in the Criterion Collection, packing together to brilliant films from different eras adapted from the same Ernest Hemingway short story.

Home Entertainment Review: Judgment at Nuremberg

Judgement at Nuremberg (Stanley Kramer, 1961) – Edmund Burke said it best: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”.  This couldn’t be truer than in the 1961 classic Judgment at Nuremberg, and it serves as a salient reminder that when the primary focus is to lay […]