F. Murray Abraham

comPOSERS Episode 93: Last Action Hero

Today we discuss Last Action Hero, a film studio execs were so convinced would sell, they released it against Jurassic Park in theatres. It lost, but Michael Kamen's hard rock score might win us over.

BGM Episode 82: The Ritz

Everyone knows that a bathhouse is a natural comedy setting! Plus when you get to enjoy the treat of Treat Williams in a bathtowel, who cares if the movie sucks. But as it is, Dan, Bil and Mike had a great time talking about THE RITZ! Listen: [powerpress]https://badgaymovies.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/episode-82-the-ritz.mp3[/powerpress] Download While you’re admiring our brilliance, follow us […]

The June Home Entertainment Round-Up

Time once again for our writers to look to their latest Blu-Ray, DVD, and VOD purchases with looks at new releases The Lego Movie, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Alan Partridge, Small Time, The Cold Lands, Tapped Out, and A Wife Alone, and re-releases for The Life Aquatic, Judex, Hearts and Minds, The Revengers, and Countess Dracula.

The Grand Budapest Hotel Review

Simultaneously his most gorgeous to look at and most pointedly melancholy film to date, Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel might not be the whimsical auteur’s best film, but certainly one of his funniest and possibly the most valid one stop shop for anyone wanting to talk about his special brand of quirks and neuroses.

Inside Llewyn Davis Review

Directors Joel and Ethan Coen and actor Oscar Isaac work together in the 1960s New York folk music scene set Inside Llewyn Davis to craft one of the most emotionally affecting works to date in a fictionalized tale of a talented obstinate that feels as powerful as the best non-fiction.