James Cooper
On this week's episode of The Development Slate, it's the classic Mad Magazine comic strip reimagined for the big screen: Spy vs. Spy!
The Development Slate Episode 45 – Dick Tracy
This week on The Development Slate we're talking about Dick Tracy!
The Development Slate Episode 44 – Dark City
This week James and Yaw reimagine a great sci-fi noir film that flew under the radar: Dark City.
The Development Slate Episode 43 – Home Alone
This week James and Yaw wanted to do something special for the season: a reimagining of the holiday classic Home Alone!
The Development Slate Episode 42 – Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Listen as James and Yaw adapt the epic video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for the big screen and figure out how it will fit within the universe.
The Development Slate Episode 41 – Contra
This week, James and Yaw adapt the hit 1987 video game Contra!
The Development Slate Episode 40 – The Secret World of Alex Mack w/ Susan Stover
Dork Shelf's Susan Stover joins the Dev Slate guys to tackle a reboot of The Secret World of Alex Mack!
The Development Slate Episode 39 – The Day the Earth Stood Still
Listen as the Dev Slate guys talk about the original The Day the Earth Stood Still, the remake, and how they’d make their own versions.
The Development Slate Episode 38 – Comeback
This week James and Yaw play adapt the Image Comics title Comeback.
The Development Slate Episode 37 – The Resistance (Board Game Challenge)
In part two of their board game challenge, Yaw assumes the role of executive challenging James to bring the board game The Resistance to the big screen.
The Development Slate Episode 36 – Hungry Hungry Hippos (Board Game Challenge)
In part one of the Dev Slate board game challenge, James challenges Yaw to adapt Hungry Hungry Hippos for the big screen.
The Development Slate Episode 35 – Critters
This week James and Yaw talk about one of James’ childhood favourites, a perfect film for the season: Critters.
The Development Slate Episode 33 – C.O.P.S.
This week James and Yaw take on the 1980s futuristic police cartoon C.O.P.S.
The Development Slate Episode 32 – Metroid
This week James and Yaw take on the Nintendo mega-franchise Metroid.
The Development Slate Episode 31 – Fell
This week, James and Yaw talk about the incomplete Warren Ellis/Ben Templesmith masterpiece Fell.