Jesse, Tulip, and Cassidy continue their wild road trip, but there's a new foe on the scene and his agents are taking great interest in the trio's mission to find God.
We've got an exclusive photo from the upcoming second season of AMC's Preacher
We've got an exclusive clip from the season finale of AMC's Preacher!
Odin Quincannon and Sheriff Root have it out in another exclusive clip from an upcoming episode of AMC's Preacher.
We've got another exclusive clip from an upcoming episode of AMC's Preacher.
We've got another exclusive clip from an upcoming episode of AMC's Preacher.
We've got another exclusive clip from an upcoming episode of AMC's Preacher!
We've got another exclusive clip from an upcoming episode of AMC's Preacher!
Not every nerd is created equal: some of us are slow out of the gate when it comes to discovering interests. Alex James explains what kept him out of comics until well after he started shaving, and runs down the titles that finally sucked him in.