Nick Fury

Captain America: The Winter Soldier Review

Delivering a good stand alone story and not getting too far bogged down in Avengers mythology, Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a great follow-up to one of the best films Marvel Studios has produced to date.

Interview: Cobie Smulders

Dork Shelf catches up with The Avengers' Agent Maria Hill, Vancouver native Cobie Smulders, to talk about working with such an elite squad of actors and how it's a change of pace from her day job on How I Met Your Mother.

The Avengers Review

Funny, exciting, and not entirely disposable as entertainment, The Avengers lives up to the early hype that it might be the film to beat for this year’s box office crown.

The Avengers Trailer has the first concrete look at Joss Whedon’s Marvel ensemble, The Avengers. Fans no longer have to grasp at 30 second preview snippets or shaky phone cam location footage. The trailer hits audiences with Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and the Hulk in action, being led by S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury. The trailer also contains some serious scenes of destruction along with shots of Thor's villainous brother Loki wreaking havoc on New York City.