Ranking the films that built the South Korean industry pre-Parasite.
We spoke with the South Korean auteur behind Oldboy about his twisted new film The Handmaiden and how he moulded the source material into something uniquely his own.
Dork Shelf talked to famed Korean director Chan-Wook Park (Oldboy) about where his desire to tell such dark stories springs from, why he selected Stoker for his North American debut, the casting process, his identifying with the work of Alfred Hitchcock, and his study of film criticism and philosophy.
We take a look at this year's fourth annual Great Digital Film Festival from Cineplex, which kicks off in 19 theatres across Canada this Friday and how it's bringing classic Hollywood hits to the megaplex.
Korean cinema has churned out its fair share of revenge thrillers, chief among them being Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and Oldboy. Kim Ji-Woon’s I Saw the Devil might not be as good as these films, but it is a solid revenge thriller that abandons any pretence of satisfaction and keeps piling on the tragedy.
We briefly discussed Korean director Park Chan-wook‘s latest film Thirst, in our most recent podcast. Park, the director of 2003’s twisted and amazing Oldboy debuted his new film at the Cannes film festival a few weeks ago. Thirst secured a North American release at the festival, and an English trailer for the film hit the […]