Ben and Daniel spoil Peacemaker chapter 4!
Ben and Daniel start spoiling the Peacemaker series!
Is the new Blu-ray of the not-so-classic 1994 video game adaptation Double Dragon shelf worthy? The answer might surprise you!
Continuing their recent trend of releasing indie Canadian horror flicks on Blu-ray, Shout Factory brings us a nice HD transfer of Hellions, but no tricks to go with this treat.
Hellions TIFF 2015 Review
Despite a clever, non-linear structure the biopic Lovelace narrows its focus too much to be an interesting or even all that original look at its subject.
Identity Thief is a movie so desperate for ideas to pad out it’s running time that there’s actually a scene involving snakes slithering into pants that I suppose the audience is supposed to pretend they haven’t seen a bazillion and one times before. Put simply the movie just doesn’t work, but what’s most heartbreaking about the whole endeavor is the fact that there’s no reason why a movie about identity theft mixing the talents of Melissa McCarthy and Jason Bateman couldn’t work.
It's not much more than pulpy, violent gangster entertainment, but Gangster Squad is a blending of old timey conventions with modern filmmaking techniques that makes for major studio B-movie goodness that should be praised rather than condemned.
Ever since Paul Greengrass’ Bourne Identity sequels, espionage movies have been about terrorism and government cover-ups, set in third world countries and filmed with shaky handheld cameras and blown out colour schemes. Safe House falls firmly into this camp, loaded with nods to dirty dealings and water boarding. It’s a fairly entertaining movie, just one that definitely feels like it’s coming out a few years too late.