Russell Brand

Rock of Ages Review

Although overstuffed, lazily plotted, and autotuned nearly into oblivion, the big screen adaptation of the jukebox musical Rock of Ages still has a real kind of shaggy dog charm evocative of the 1980s hair metal scene (minus, you know, any sort of crippling addictions, of course).

Summer Movie Preview: June Part Two

Wrapping up our look at the cinematic offerings for the month of June, we take a look at some real heavy hitters with Brave, Moonrise Kingdom, Prometheus, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Snow White and the Huntsman, Rock of Ages, and Piranha 3DD, which will undoubtedly win the box office crown for the month.

Arthur Review

Much like the original Arthur with Dudley Moore from 1980, director Jason Winner's Russell Brand starring remake is a film perfectly befitting of it's main character. It is a film that coasts by so effortlessly on the charm and wit of the actor at the centre of it, that it is a hard film to dislike. It also really isn't that great of a film, and much like the billionaire, alcoholic playboy at the heart of the film, it has a lot of problems that are either never addressed or are dealt with too late in the film to have much of an impact.