Scott Derrickson

Parental Guidance MCU Rewatch: Doctor Strange

Critic Jenny Bullough pledged to embark upon an epic MCU rewatch with her family before they see Avengers: Endgame – and answer the all-important question: should you watch these with your kids? By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth it's Doctor Strange!

Doctor Strange Blu-ray Review

Doctor Strange hits Blu-ray today, which means we watched (and listened) to all the extra goodies to help you decide if this one is Shelf-worthy.

Deliver Us from Evil Review

While the validity of the “true story” at the heart of Scott Derrickson’s Deliver Us from Evil can be hotly debated and contested, the film itself is a masterful work of modern horror and one of a very small handful of scary movies to be actually unsettling and terrifying.

Sinister Review

Have you seen every horror film made in the past 30 years? You've already seen all of Sinister.