Stacy Martin

High-Rise Review

A self-contained, ultra-modern apartment building slowly descends into complete anarchy in High-Rise, an utterly bonkers adaptation that's certainly not for everyone, but is it for anyone?

Home Entertainment Review: Nymphomaniac

Nymphomaniac (Lars Von Trier, 2014) – For years Lars Von Trier has threatened to smack audiences with his take on an “erotic” movie. The plucky provocateur always brought an exploitation filmmaker’s chutzpah and showmanship to his art house career, and chasing the metaphorical white whale of a serious erotic drama that porn kings and legitimate […]

Nymphomaniac Review

There’s a daringness and certainly a great degree of ambition to Danish auteur Lars von Trier’s latest misanthropic opus Nymphomaniac, but there’s also a been there, done that kind of feel to his work here that’s almost more distressing than the subject matter.