Celebrate cinema with 2025's milestone movie anniversaries, including Inception, Toy Story, Back to the Future, The Shining, Jaws, Psycho, Sunset Boulevard and All About Eve...to name just a few.
A curated list of essential Noirvember cinematic pairings made up of the very best titles the genre has to offer.
On this week's episode, we're ready for our close-up with the dark and depressing side of 1950's Hollywood. Join us as we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the classic film 'Sunset Boulevard' and its score by Franz 'Franky Wax' Waxman.
What’s playing in Toronto this week? From the classic to the bizarre, from the backroom at Eyesore Cinema to the recently reopened Ontario Cinesphere, East End, West End, and everything in between, here are some of the best screenings taking place all over the city this week.
Just in time for your Black Friday holiday shopping sprees, Phil Brown takes a look at some of the biggest classics for film buffs and genre buffs that are currently on Blu-ray retailer shelves: Lawrence of Arabia, E.T., They Live, Dark Star, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Sunset Boulevard, and Rosemary's Baby,