Taylor Kitsch
Enter for a chance to win a pair of passes to an advance screening of Lone Survivor in Toronto on Thursday, January 9th, courtesy of Dork Shelf and eOne Films!
Interview: Don McKellar
Dork Shelf talks to director and actor Don McKellar about his return to feature film directing with The Grand Seduction (debuting Sunday September 8th at TIFF) and about how people perceived his time away from filmmaking, the script that tempted him to come back, shooting on location in Trinity Bay, the different stresses between city filming and country filming, and what Gleeson brought to his role and to the set.
This Week in DVD: 10/30/12
This week at the video store, we check out the timely comedy of The Campaign, the out of time Oliver Stone thriller Savages, the zombie apocalypse of [REC]3: Genesis, the romantic dramedy stylings of A Little Bit of Heaven and Ruby Sparks, and the goings on in the world of Mad Men.
This Week in DVD: 8/28/12
Another busy week at the video store as Battleship blasts its way onto home video, alongside Starship Troopers: Invasion, some Can-con with Edwin Boyd: Citizen Gangster and A Beginner's Guide to Endings, the documentary sequel Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory, the genuinely funny horror comedy A Little Bit Zombie, and the God awful "horror comedy" Jersey Shore Shark Attack.
Savages Review
From the opening seconds following the Universal logo to the tooth gratingly awful cover of The Beatles “Here Comes the Sun” that plays over the film’s all too late THE END title card, there isn’t a more ungainly, unfocused, idiotic, and overall unpleasant film thus far this year than Oliver Stone’s Savages.
This Week in DVD: 6/5/12
This week in DVD, the big time money maker, but already forgotten Safe House, the unforgettable bomb John Carter, a pair of films so cheesy they're fun, and... um... Act of Valor.
Battleship Review
Summer Movie Preview: The Merry Month of May
Now that The Avengers has whet the appetites of Summer moviegoers, let's take a look at the other big releases this month, including Men in Black III, Dark Shadows, Battleship, and The Dictator.
Interview: Taylor Kitsch
John Carter star Taylor Kitsch sat down with Dork Shelf to talk about the sci-fi genre, working with former Pixar director Andrew Stanton on his first live action film, and what it's like to be half-naked in the middle of a sandstorm.
John Carter Review
On top of making back a gargantuan, near quarter of a billion dollar budget, John Carter isn't exactly the easiest sell in the world even by mega-blockbuster standards. It's extremely literate to the point where it just might alienate audiences looking for average escapist fare.