The Ruby Spirit

The Scene: An Exploration of Music in Toronto Review

There’s nothing particularly wrong with the music documentary The Scene: An Exploration of Music in Toronto, but it’s doubtful that anyone outside of the bands being profiled and their friends and followers will get too excited by the prospect of rushing out to see it.

Canadian Music Week 2011: Free Events Preview

Every year, Canadian Music Week takes over Toronto, letting 800 bands take over 55 different venues over five nights. It’s really fun chaos. This year’s fest starts on Wednesday, March 9th. So as you’re unlikely to go buy a $75 wristband at this point, it’s in Dork Shelf’s best and wonderfully cheap interests to tell you about the great, free portions of the festival.

January Monthly Music

We’ve all dabbled in the business of New Years’ resolutions, yes? Whether we keep them, kibosh them or disregard them entirely, they’re still there somehow. Did you make any this year? Mine were to learn how to play my new ukulele and to get to know many more local bands. If you share that last one with me, then this month’s column should be a treat for you as I help point us both in the right direction. Here are five Toronto (or GTA) bands who are ready to make that splash in the snow (shh, I know you’re thinking ‘slush’ right now, but snow is just more nice!).