Netflix is developing Ubisoft’s mega-hit video game franchise Assassin’s Creed into a live-action series.
Ubisoft Forward: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Hands-On
After spending over three hours with Assassin's Creed: Valhalla we're ready to try to love the series once again. For the first time in years, we feel like we’re getting a game that marries the old and the new in exciting ways.
Ubisoft Forward: Watch Dogs: Legion Hands-On
We spent over three hours in Watch Dogs: Legion's post-Brexit, cyberpunk version of London last week – and we were left wanting more!
Assassin’s Creed: The Rebel Collection Launches December 6
Two excellent Assassin's Creed games arrives on Nintendo Switch next week, get ready for sea shanties all over again!
Watch Dogs Legion: Interview with Narrative Designer Kaitlin Tremblay
In the last year, Ubisoft has promised a lot about Watch Dogs: Legion, the upcoming sequel to its open-world games stuffed with near-future tech and a modern sensibility about the way technology, corporations and privacy plays in our lives. But what we’ve seen so far, in gameplay previews shown off at E3 and other industry […]
Everything Ubisoft Announced at Their E3 Keynote
It's been a big E3 for Ubisoft. The renowned publisher announced a number of titles both expected and unexpected. Here's a rundown of the highlights!
Far Cry New Dawn Review: The Apocalypse Never Looked so Good
Far Cry New Dawn unleashes a post-apocalyptic reign of chaos.
Assassin’s Creed III Remastered and the Dilemma of Re-releases
Assassin's Creed III Remastered is a visual upgrade of Ubisoft’s best-selling 2012 action-adventure title, Assassin’s Creed III.
Digging Up New Fossils with Reptoid Games
The founders of Reptoid Games discuss Fossil Hunters, the Ubisoft Indie Series, and the origins of their studio.
Thought Bubble: Nintendo Should Collaborate More Often
Ubisoft's Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is a bold reinterpretation of Mario that makes the case for more outside-the-box thinking.
At E3, Microsoft Makes the Case for 4K Gaming
Senior Manager Paul Harris talks about the new Xbox One X and Microsoft's expanding library of games.
Level Up Showcases the Bright Future of the Ontario Games Industry
The annual student showcase highlighted the work of the brightest game design students in the province.
Let’s Play Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands
Andrew Ivimey streams the first two hours of gameplay for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands!
In For Honor, War is a Lot of Fun – Just Try Not to Overthink It
For Honor is a great multiplayer experience that over-explains a good idea.
The Shelf Episode 3 – 2017 Game Preview
Our Games Editor and Editor-in-Chief discuss the year ahead in video games with a special guest!