Zachary Quinto

Star Trek Into Darkness Fan Review

Alex James is baffled as to why so many people seemed so opposed to the new direction J.J. Abrams has decided to take in his Trek films - and boy oh boy, are they ever opposed. This piece isn't so much a review of Star Trek: Into Darkness as a critical defense of ideas in an era dominated by safe choices.

Star Trek Into Darkness Review

A step above J.J. Abrams first outing with the franchise, Star Trek Into Darkness delivers a fun story, a great villain, and an ending that will be analyzed and pondered over by fans of the series for quite some time.

Interview: J.J. Abrams and the Star Trek Crew

Director J.J. Abrams and actors Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Benedict Cumberbatch, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, and Karl Urban share their thoughts on working together on the long awaited sequel that aims to boldly go where no franchise film has gone before, Star Trek Into Darkness.

This Week in DVD: 8/21/12

This week on DVD we look at the stellar Oscar winning foreign drama A Separation, Richard Linklater's unfortunately slept on Bernie, the direct to DVD efforts Breathless, A Girl Walks into a Bar, and the Dolph Lundgren starring One in the Chamber. Oh, and some indie film called The Hunger Games

Star Trek Review

As a life long Trekkie, I went into the new J.J. Abrams Trek reboot/sequel with my expectations set to stun—fearing that if I set them to kill I would end up vapourizing myself… whatever that means.  Phaser analogy aside, I knew that J.J Abrams’ vision of Star Trek would be different from that of its […]