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Geek Nerd Dork Episode 22

Making their way to the ring…..

Dork Shelf Presents GeekNerdDork

This week Gavin and Jeff are joined by Arda Ocal and Brent Furtney, co-hosts of The Score’s Right After Wrestling, as well as hilarious comedian Deborah Etta Robinson.

Deborah joins us for the opening, we talk The Ghost Whisperer, the massive confusion that ensues when a person does not clarify their Twitter name – revealing just how important that underscore truly is.

The gang goes on to discuss the concept behind Right After Wrestling, how it came about, what makes the two perfect for the show, and how much they truly know about the events going on in the wrestling universe.

Download: GeekNerdDork Episode 22(61.1 MB, MP3, 1:24:00)
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Check out Right After Wrestling, Tuesdays @ 6pm on The Score.

Send any and all feedback, questions, suggestions and/or complaints to our email address: [email protected]

Big thanks to our friend DJ FINISH HIM for providing the title track to the podcast.
You can hear more of his music here.

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