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Geek Nerd Dork Episode 23

Now your candidates….

Dork Shelf Presents GeekNerdDork

This week Gavin and Jeff are left alone to discuss the upcoming election and politics in Canada. We also review event fatigue, and the overall lack of memorable events happening in mainstream comics.

We encourage everyone to do their part and vote on May 2, we do not care who you vote for, but we all need to vote. With that said we have something exciting coming soon, and much like our live show, we know your going to love it, so stay tuned.

Download: GeekNerdDork Episode 23 (43.3 MB, MP3, 1:34:30)
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Send any and all feedback, questions, suggestions and/or complaints to our email address: [email protected]

Big thanks to our friend DJ FINISH HIM for providing the title track to the podcast.
You can hear more of his music here.

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