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Geek Nerd Dork Episode 24

Now get upstairs and laugh …

Dork Shelf Presents GeekNerdDork

This week Gavin and Jeff are joined by Todd Van Allen, host of the Comedy Above The Pub Podcast. The three men share their thoughts on comedy and politics in Canada, and wax poetic about upcoming blockbusters. Todd also reveals his die hard love for a particular football club.

We are taking a break next week but will return the following week with a brand spanking new episode.

Download: GeekNerdDork Episode 24 (31.4 MB, MP3, 1:07:30)
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Send any and all feedback, questions, suggestions and/or complaints to our email address: [email protected]

Big thanks to our friend DJ FINISH HIM for providing the title track to the podcast.
You can hear more of his music here.

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