In this “mantastic” episode Lucas, Will, Jeff, and Joel find themselves trapped in a cage deep underwater, assaulted from all sides by the desperate later seasons of The Simpsons. The dorks talk about how Matt Groening’s show has changed over time, about what they’ve been consuming, and some hot news from the worlds of film, video games, and email spam.
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- 0:00 — “Paris” by MSTRKRFT
- 2:00 — Playing Sim City 4, watching Timecrimes
- 9:30 — Marvel’s Ultimate comics
- 17:30 — Doom, Dune, and Star Wars novels
- 20:30 — Killing dudes; pissing contest
- 30:00 — “Super” by Neu!
- Reminder: Visioneers tonight at Innis Town Hall
- 32:25 — “Down in Mexico” by The Coasters
- 34:00 — On The Simpsons
- 47:00 — Alien again
- 52:00 — Early reviews of Arkham Asylum; Warren Spector’s Disney game
- 62:25 — “Dare” by Stan Bush
- Sim City 4, Doom, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Epic Mickey
- Timecrimes, The Simpsons, Alien
- Marvel Ultimatum, Rapture, Doom: Knee Deep in the Dead
- Frank Cho, Kevin J. Anderson, growing the beard, jumping the shark