50 Cent

Rendezvous with Madness 2014: Tapia Review

Tapia Possibly the heaviest film playing at this year’s festival (which, given the subject matter overall, really says a lot) comes in the form of this documentary from Executive Producer 50 Cent about boxing legend Johnny Tapia. Raised on the streets of Albuquerque, New Mexico and dubbed “the babyfaced assassin” in the ring, the former […]

Last Vegas Review

Lazy and forgettable, the tagline for this geezers in Vegas comedy should have been "What happens during Last Vegas stays in Last Vegas."

Escape Plan Review

One third of the Sylvester Stallone/Arnold Schwarzenegger team up Escape Plan is a decent popcorn action flick. The other two thirds are fairly abysmal. Fortunately, the good section is the middle hour of the film, meaning it’s a perfect film to watch on TV right after you missed the opening 30 minutes and right before you have to take off to be somewhere.

Contest: See ESCAPE PLAN Across Canada!

Enter for a chance to win one of ten pairs of passes to an advance screening of Escape Plan - starring Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger - on Thursday, October 17th in Toronto, Ottawa, Halifax, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, or Vancouver, courtesy of Dork Shelf and eOne Films.

How to Make Money Selling Drugs Review

Director Matthew Cooke’s documentary-slash-mock infomercial-slash-fake video game tip guide How to Make Money Selling Drugs is one of the most off beat, irreverent, and well researched takes on a serious political, economic, and social issue to come around in quite some time.