Adam Wingard

The Curse of the Blair Witch Continues

The defeated directors' commentary track on the new Blair Witch Blu-ray tells a very different story than the hopeful, feature length making-of doc on that same disc.

Home Entertainment Review: The Guest

The Guest (Adam Winguard, 2014) – The genre-loving writer/director team of Simon Barrett and Adam Wingard have gradually been easing themselves into the status of the best horror filmmakers of their generation. The Guest only confirms that title, while also pushing their style into other genres. Their partnership started with the brutal serial killer move […]

TIFF 2014: The Guest Review

The Guest Midnight Madness Possibly the most fun film at this year’s festival, this unabashedly hilarious and thrilling mash-up of spy flicks and 80s slashers from director Adam Wingard and writer Simon Barrett, the minds behind previous TIFF crowd pleaser, You’re Next. Dan Stevens stars as David, an amiable and polite soldier just out of […]

TIFF 2014 Interview: Colin Geddes

It’s a sweltering late July afternoon, but I’m still sitting down over a cup of warm tea at Canteen in the lobby of the TIFF Bell Lightbox and talking to Colin Geddes the day after most of his choices for the heavily watched and buzzed about Midnight Madness and Vanguard sections had been announced. (Really […]

Interview: E.L. Katz

We talk to E.L. Katz, director of the black comedy Cheap Thrills about why he made this is first film as a director, how he second guesses himself more as a writer, why the opening of the film is almost purposefully slow, the art of escalation, how his two leads essentially became method actors, why the set was physically uncomfortable to be on, and what it’s like trying to create “a human cockfight.”