Bad Boys: Ride or Die's mixture of nostalgia and comedy shows this aging franchise can still entertain.
To prepare you for the return of Vikings, That Shelf and HISTORY Canada want to arm you with a special Vikings watch kit!
A standard faith based high school sports drama, When the Game Stands Tall falls just short of the goal line by never developing its characters.
As far as wartime sagas go, Peter Berg’s Lone Survivor is certainly a technical marvel and it’s nothing if not genuine at heart, but as a film it’s far too underdeveloped and misguided to really have any impact.
Grown Ups 2 sucks, but even by that bold statement it still manages to improve on its rock bottom predecessor.
Dork Shelf sat down to talk to Alexander Ludwig from The Hunger Games about working with director Gary Ross, the physical strain of the shoot, and the hype surrounding the first film in the Hunger Games series.
May the odds be ever in your favour, because Dork Shelf and Alliance Films are going to send ONE lucky winner and a guest to the long awaited Toronto red carpet premiere of The Hunger Games on Monday, March 19th at 6:30pm!