Some more recommendations for Day 2 of nxne including local rappers Wordburglar and D-Sisive, the post modern T. Nile, and blue grass boys Union Duke.
Every year, Canadian Music Week takes over Toronto, letting 800 bands take over 55 different venues over five nights. It’s really fun chaos. This year’s fest starts on Wednesday, March 9th. So as you’re unlikely to go buy a $75 wristband at this point, it’s in Dork Shelf’s best and wonderfully cheap interests to tell you about the great, free portions of the festival.
Really, what is there to do in November? It’s kind of a boring month, no? Maybe stressing out about Christmas is getting to you already? (And in that case, I say ‘oy.’) Dork Shelf can easily remedy this problem. Here are my music choices of concerts to feast your eyes and ears on as well as some hot new artists.