Ryan Reynolds stopped by Conan last night to show off footage from the upcoming Deadpool movie.
In this post-San Diego Comic Con episode we invite special friend and co-host Sam Maggs to fangirl over hot dudes and superheroes with us!
It’s impossible to talk about female comic creators without featuring one of the most influential women in the business today: Gail Simone.
This book is hilarious. The series continues to be a wonderful send-up of the Marvel Universe, while having more action in each issue than all the Wolverine titles combined. The dialogue, or should I say, ‘internal narration’, is fantastically crafted. It transforms this title from being violence-for-sales-sake into a fun, slightly crazy, and witty read.
USA Today has posted the final theatrical trailer for the Wolverine movie a day early. X-Men Origins: Wolverine stars Hugh Jackman as the titular mutant and opens May 1st. Update: Now with postage stamp-sized embedded video goodness! Hit the full screen button to make it bigger. Wolverine Trailer @ USA Today While the involvement of […]