Turning Red is a whimsical animated adventure bursting with spectacular visuals, charming characters, and catchy pop ballads.
Disney and Pixar’s new animated feature Turning Red is a love letter to Toronto and Canada.
The Movie After 14 long years, Brad Bird and company (ie Pixar) finally delivered that sequel to The Incredibles that everyone was clamouring for. On every superficial level, it was a rousing success. The film went on to gross over a billion dollars and presumably sold plenty of candy coloured superhero merchandise for Disney as […]
On this episode of The Shelf, we speak with Disney-Pixar's Brad Bird about Incredibles 2 and Domee Shi about her short film Bao, the importance of empowering women in the animation industry, what's on her Dork Shelf, and much more.
To celebrate this week's release of Pixar's highly anticipated Inside Out we're posting several interviews with people who worked on the film. First up is a local talent who had the pleasure of Inside Out being her first Pixar project, story artist Domee Shi.