episode 5

Stranger Things Chapter Seven Recap

It’s time to team up with parents and estranged siblings, it’s time to rob an evidence room, destroy an evil utility van, and make a sense-dep tank out of a kiddie pool. “The Bathtub” pulls together all the show’s plot threads into one propulsive rope of suspense.

Stranger Things Chapter Six Recap

There is a monster under every bed. There is a monster under everywhere. Chapter Six of Stranger Things is all about getting to know the faceless bad boy that haunts Hawkins.

Girls Episode 4.5 Recap

Is there a better way to spend this holiday weekend than watching a depressing HBO episode about dysfunctional people and their crumbling lives? HAHA, breakups are hilarious!

Orphan Black Episode 2.5 Recap

Hidey-ho readeroonies! I hope you enjoyed Orphan Black’s season 2, episode 5, “Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est” (translation: “knowledge itself is power”), because otherwise this recap wherein I gush over the skillful storytelling is going to be weird. Don’t make it weird.

Hannibal Episode 2.5 Recap

“Mukozuke” succeeds in providing the contemplative space that other serial killer centric shows don’t. It’s a case study in what we will let our icons get away with and what makes them different from us and the fictional people they prey on.