“The Laws of Gods and Men” sticks with the season’s contemplative pacing, taking inventory of its characters past deeds while demonstrating how much catharsis a well written and performed monologue can evoke.
When Dr. Lecter is plucking the strings and writing the notes, Hannibal is thrilling, unpredictable and disgustingly beautiful to look at. In “Futamono” we get all of that, some meta humor, and the most disturbingly delicious looking human leg eaten on network TV. Also a fun dinner party.
For the first time in True Detective’s run we have been left with an image, burdened with a heavy past, moving toward a future not known by anyone inside the show’s delicate clockwork collage. It’s no longer a matter of whodunit, it’s a matter of who’s-gonna-do-it.
This week, Hannah gets a new job at GQ and has to struggle between following her heart, or her dollar-less pocket. Should she give up a new job she's great at that offers lots of delicious food? Meanwhile, the awkward sex Girls is known for is back in spades.
This week we get a clean cut A-B-C plotted episode of Community that promises to showcase the new cast’s dynamic. This is exactly what we needed after two episodes of farewells and a David Fincher parody.