Jack Nicholson

comPOSERS Episode 83: The Shining

Join us as we discuss The Shining and its original music by Wendy Carlos and Rachel Elkind, plus selected music by Krzysztof Penderecki, Béla Bartók and György Ligeti.

Corman’s World Review

While definitely more of a straight regurgitation of facts than anything substantial, film buffs will get a real kick out of Corman's World.

Tim Burton Takes Toronto – Part 2

Part two of Sasha's Tim Burton Takes Toronto examines the director's late 80s and early 90s work: Batman, Edward Scissorhands and Batman Returns. From 7 p.m. on Friday, November 26 to some ungodly hour on the morning of Sunday, November 28th, Torontonians were invited to TIFF Bell Lightbox to screen the entirety of Tim Burton’s filmography. This was in celebration of the Burton exhibit coming to town, which was first curated by the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. For some, myself included, the prospect of sitting through sixteen feature films by Burton was intriguing — a Burton Blitz of sorts. Others might call it “Hell on Earth”.