Sebastian Stan, Jeremy Strong, and Maria Bakalova star in the Donald Trump biopic The Apprentice.. It's the monster movie of the season.
It’s the calm before the storm.
Director James Gray gets personal in Armageddon Time with a potent study of the myths of the American dream.
Aaron Sorkin's return to writing and directing delivers a dialogue-rich, visually static historical drama.
Frenetically-paced and wildly convoluted, Guy Ritchie's latest still manages to be entertaining thanks to a scene-stealing turn by and against-type Hugh Grant.
Serenity is the worst film of 2019 – and will be for quite some time.
The Judge feels as if it were created by robots in a laboratory that were programmed to exactly pin-point the kind of legal drama that would slay in the sticks.
The Judge Gala (Opening Night Film) It’s not that the Robert Downey Jr./Robert Duvall familial, courtroom face to face is patently unwatchable, but it feels as if it were created by robots in a laboratory that were programmed to exactly pin-point the kind of legal drama that would slay in the sticks. Hotshot big city […]