Marvel Entertainment

The Roundup Episode #14 – Cool Teen

This episode we're joined by the delightful Natalie Smith and talk about the hit Broadway musical Hamilton, Thor: Ragnarok getting lady screenwriters, gay baiting in the Captain America: Civil War trailer, Jessica Jones, Master of None, and more!

The Avengers Trailer has the first concrete look at Joss Whedon’s Marvel ensemble, The Avengers. Fans no longer have to grasp at 30 second preview snippets or shaky phone cam location footage. The trailer hits audiences with Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and the Hulk in action, being led by S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury. The trailer also contains some serious scenes of destruction along with shots of Thor's villainous brother Loki wreaking havoc on New York City.

Disney to Acquire Marvel Entertainment

That Goofy-Wolverine crossover you’ve always been waiting for can now finally happen! File this in the Ridiculously Huge News folder — According to a press release just put out on the Disney Corporate website, a huge “stock and cash deal” will result in Disney taking over Marvel Entertainment and all of its subsidiaries.  As part […]