Microsoft has released the full list of 104 games that will soon be coming to the Xbox One thanks to backwards compatibility. It can be tough to know where to begin, so here are five classics to get you started.
E3 still loves a good military shooter, but 2015 gave us a glimpse at a more diverse gaming future.
What's that? E3 is next week? Oh well. We still stand behind every one of these foolproof predictions.
Eric and Jon talk Mirror's Edge, Firewatch, and GDC on the latest episode of the WhaleCast.
Forcing every game to have a male protagonist is tedious rather than profitable.
The fine folks at Borne Games, creators of the popular flash game World 2, have collaborated with Electronic Arts to create a 2D side-scrolling version of the free-running action game Mirror’s Edge. The game features all the same free-running acrobatics that made the 3D version so exhilarating to play, in a perfectly executed 2D format. […]