Nathan Fillion
There’s an interesting story to be told about the men and women working behind the scenes in the superhero genre, but is Henchmen that movie?
Cars 3 Review
Are the Cars movies merely merchandising cash cows that grown-up Pixar fans wish would just go away, or have they morphed into something more?
Halo 5: Guardians Review: The Case of the Missing Master Chief
Halo 5 pairs excellent multiplayer and co-op gameplay with a lackluster story that repeats the mistakes of Halo 2.
Beyond Master Chief: How a Bigger Cast Helped 343 Tell the Story of Halo 5
We spoke with Halo 5 Creative Director Tim Longo about Master Chief and the practical benefits of a more expansive Halo universe.
Thought Bubble: (Bad) Dates with Destiny
Reflections on a passionate relationship with a manipulative game.
Human Rights Watch Film Festival 2014: Highway of Tears Review
Highway of Tears Aside from the victims of high profile serial killer trial of Robert Pickton, more than 40 women and possibly hundreds more have gone missing along the tragically monikered Highway of Tears in Vancouver. Home to a large First Nations population still scarred from years of residential schooling abuse and a constantly acrimonious […]
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters Review
Despite a noticeably lower budget, Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters is a worthy and entertaining bit of family pleasing fluff that's just as good as the franchise's first entry was.
Contest: See MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING in Halifax, Winnipeg, Calgary, or Edmonton!
Enter for a chance to win one of ten pairs of passes to an advance screening of Joss Whedon and William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing in Halifax, Winnipeg, Calgary, or Edmonton on Thursday, June 27th, courtesy of Dork Shelf and eOne Films.
Monsters University Review
As far as Pixar movie standards go, Monsters University is a bit of a mess with sloppy plotting and and unclear motives as to who the movie is actually made for... and yet, it's still extremely endearing and funny getting a solid B- for its efforts overall.
Much Ado About Nothing Review
Sweet, small, goofy, and surprisingly accessible, Joss Whedon's low-fi version of Much Ado About Nothing probably ranks as one of the most breezily entertaining Shakespeare adaptation ever splattered all over a big screen.
Enter for a chance to win one of ten pairs of passes to an advance screening of Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing on Wednesday, June 12th at 7:00pm, courtesy of Dork Shelf and eOne Films.
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights Trailer Hits
The first trailer for the DC universe animated film Green Lantern: Emerald Knights debuted today. Emerald Knights is an anthology of short animated films, in the same vein as the Batman: Gotham Knight film that coincided with the release of The Dark Knight. Similarly, this film will be released in the weeks leading up to the live action Green Lantern film on June 17th.
Green Lantern Fan-Made Trailer
Using footage from multiple sources YouTube user jaronpitt‘s has assembled a very impressive trailer for a non-existent Green Lantern movie starring Firefly star Nathan Fillion. [youtube][/youtube] This is an impressive mashup that gives us an idea of what the actual live-action Green Lantern movie will actually look like. Thanks to Fip Lele.