Nicholas Stoller

TIFF 2022: Bros Review

Billy Eichner' and Nicholas Stoller's unabashedly gay rom com Bros is a sharp, funny, and spot-on portrait of gay life.

Neighbors Review

Nicholas Stoller’s Neighbors has all of the trappings of a crowd pleasing, bad taste classic in the making, but at least there’s no question that the filmmakers are laughing directly at their subjects rather than with them.

The Five-Year Engagement Review

While it will probably appeal to the most adoring fans of producer Judd Apatow and star Jason Segel, The Five-Year Engagement is a mean spirited, mostly unoriginal comedy that can never decide if it wants to pander to women or to bros, when it's a plot clearly designed to pander to the latter.

The Muppets Review

While it’s as funny as one would hope a Muppet film would be, the rebooting of this finely-felted gang of friends does have a few fairly big problems. Structurally the film is a bit wonky and the script feels like the result of many different people having a lot of different feelings about the tone of the film. To call a film like The Muppets out on such seemingly trivial issues might sound like the groaning of Statler and Waldorf, but despite any such complaints The Muppets are undoubtedly back at the top of their game comedically.