We're giving away a passes to some of Hot Docs 2015's hottest tickets!
The 21st annual Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Film Festival is upon us - running Thursday, April 24th to Sunday, May 4th - and here's your one stop shop for all of our reviews, interviews, features, and festivities from the largest festival of its kind in North America.
The Joe Show World Showcase Joe Arpaio is a pretty horrible person, but he’s also a famous person so he gets away with a lot. The self-appointed toughest sheriff of America turned a job in public office into a vehicle for superstardom. In the early 2000s, he started pulling ridiculous stunts like forcing prisoners to […]
Giuseppe Makes a Movie Filmmaker Adam Rifkin (The Chase, The Dark Backward, Detroit Rock City) follows around actor Giuseppe Andrews (Never Been Kissed, Cabin Fever, Independence Day) as he gets his Harmony Korine on while making his latest low-fi opus Garbanzo Gas. An accomplished filmmaker in his own right, Andrews has been making oddball oddities […]