Clair Titley's documentary The Contestant tells the horrific story of Japan's Denpa Shonen: A Life in Prizes, a hit reality show that saw comedian Nasubi spend 15 months alone in a room.
TIFF 2021: Becoming Cousteau Review
In Becoming Cousteau, director Liz Garbus ably demonstrates what made the Captain of the Calypso one of the 20th century’s most inspirational ecological voices.
TIFF 2020: The New Corporation: The Unfortunately Necessary Sequel Review
The New Corporation: The Unfortunately Necessary Sequel is a clear-eyed documentary calls out the insidious methods of today’s “socially conscious” corporations.
TIFF 2020: No Ordinary Man Review
No Ordinary Man is a stunner of a documentary. It’s a hybrid really, in which the filmmakers Aisling Chin-Yee and Chase Joynt add just the right dose of creative fiction to galvanise the largely forgotten history of a trans icon, American Jazz musician Billy Tipton.
TIFF 2020: Inconvenient Indian review
If there's only one must-see film at TIFF, it is Michelle Latimer’s urgent call to action doc Inconvenient Indian.
That Shelf’s TIFF 2019 Reviews Directory
That Shelf’s TIFF 2019 reviews directory will be your one-stop shop for all of Toronto International Film Festival coverage and will be updated frequently throughout the duration of the fest!
TIFF 2017: Jim and Andy Review
TIFF 2017: Jim & Andy: the Great Beyond - the story of Jim Carrey & Andy Kaufman Review.
TIFF 2016: Cinema Travellers Review
The Cinema Travellers TIFF 2016 Review
TIFF 2016: Forever Pure Review
Forever Pure TIFF 2016 Review.
TIFF 2016: Mali Blues Review
Mali Blues TIFF 2016 review
TIFF 2016: Gaza Surf Club Review
Gaza Surf Club TIFF 2016 Review.
The Real Kent Jones on Hitchcock/Truffaut
Director Kent Jones on his new documentary Hitchcock/Truffaut,
Hitchcock/Truffaut Review
Hitchcock/Truffaut celebrates the meeting of two of cinemas greatest filmmakers. But is it a deep enough dive to satisfy cinephiles?
TIFF 2015: Miss Sharon Jones! Review
Miss Sharon Jones! TIFF 2015 review
TIFF 2015: The Reflektor Tapes Review
The Reflektor Tapes TIFF 2015 Review