Vin Diesel

Get Physical: Fast X

Dominic talks a lot about "family" in the Fast and Furious films, but there's another F-word that unites these street racers: faith.

Black Hole Films Episode 198 – The Fast & The Furious presents: Black Hole Films - A podcast, hosted by Jeremy LaLonde, where people finally get around to watching that film they always meant to. Marvin Kaye joins Jeremy for THE FAST & THE FURIOUS and eat cheetos and we realize how not car guys we are…. Listen: [powerpress][/powerpress] Download MP3 Follow guests Marvin Kaye […]

Shelf Help: Diesel Engine Edition

These are strange times indeed. Bloodshot was released theatrically less than two weeks ago (remember theaters?) and now we find it getting VOD release today. To celebrate the meager gifts we have been getting lately from the cinematic gods, this week our Shelfers are taking a long, hard look at Mr. Vin Diesel’s greatest on-screen […]

Hobbs & Shaw Review

Easily the funniest film in the action-packed Fast & Furious universe, Hobbs & Shaw opens up new roads for this spin-off franchise to travel down.