The new Fallout series is a stunning adaptation of the post-apocalyptic video game series, rendering the nuclear wasteland in vivid technicolor.
In honour of Thanksgiving, here are some of the games we're thankful for.
With con season upon us, we spoke with several creators, artists, and authors about the proper etiquette and important reminders when approaching people you're really excited to see.
It is always difficult to jump into the middle of an on-going story. Superhero titles by Marvel and DC are broken down into six issue arcs and there are always two “new reader” points every year. Longer narratives, like Scalped or Fables, both amazing stories, can be nearly impossible to understand properly from just the latest weekly issue. Still, they are classic reads, and a primary reason why the trade paperback market keeps growing. Wasteland #30 was confusing at first for this novice to the title; yet, I immediately wanted to know more.
Warren Spector’s crack at the Mickey mythos is as interesting as it is weird in his anticipated and ambitious take on the mouse, Epic Mickey. It’s a strange direction for both the cherished cartoon and the respected designer, but it’s clear that the two forces have found a comfortable middle ground for creation. Be that as it may, is Epic Mickey as successful as its starry eyes wish for?