Futurama is Back, Baby

The crew reacts to the news of their impending return.
The crew reacts to the news of their impending return.


The cast of Futurama has officially re-signed for a new 26 episode season.  I came across this recent development through my friend Rob Salem, the Toronto Star’s TV critic and my former professor.  As expected, the talks have quickly (though not without trepidation, methinks) come to fruition for both sides, though apparently the voice actors will be receiving less scratch.  My hero David X Cohen (the man who coined the term “cromulent”) and some guy named Matt Groening who, I guess, works in the art department, had this to say:  “We are thrilled to have our incredible cast back. The call has already gone out to the animators to put the mouths back on the characters.”  Ha-ha, I get it.

No more bad news, please! Roll out the episodes before we suffer a fate worse than death — pre-life!

Then death.
