New Dork Shelf Contributors and Other Site News logo by Goopymart

Regular readers of the site may have noticed some new faces posting articles the past few weeks.  However, there are no new contributors.   It’s actually just been Jeff and Lucas in drag… Sorry to get your hopes up, unless of course you’re into that.  But jokes about my colleagues underwear preference aside, we do actually have some new folks writing for the site.

I just wanted take a minute and say welcome aboard to Noah, Sarrah, Joel and Laura!  If you see a post by one of these folks, please make them feel welcome by leaving a comment.

There will be more contributors joining us in the near future (Hint: their names rhyme with Baj, Zatherine and Fistie), plus the new site layout will be going live in a few weeks.

And don’t forget the free screening of Visioneers, starring Zach Galifianakis on August 6th at 8 pm, being co-presented by Dork Shelf.  We’ll all be there, and if that’s not enough to get you out, there will be prizes too!  Come on out and support the site.  Huge thanks must be given to Alana Hamilton for making this screening happen!

Free Screening of Visioneers @ Innis Town Hall

Exciting times here at Dork Shelf.
