On this week's episode, Kevin Costner reminds us of our moral obligation to shoot at people who drink alcohol. Join us in the Prohibition era as we listen to the legendary Ennio Morricone's score for The Untouchables.
This week we welcome local musician and artist Ryan Murray to discuss the "good score, bad film" combo that is John Williams' "Hook".
Join us in Toon Town this week as we break down Alan Silvestri's wacky, zany, fill-in-your-own-adjective-here score for the classic Robert Zemeckis film "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"
It's Pisces season! Pisces' are the dreamers of the Zodiac, full of intense emotions, they are attuned to vibes that can’t be seen with just your eyes. Here is a list of top ten movies to ease you into the energies of the season.
To celebrate the release of Tomb Raider starring Alicia Vikander, we put together a list of the 15 worst video game movies of all time.
What's that? E3 is next week? Oh well. We still stand behind every one of these foolproof predictions.